- Separate Male and Female Therapy units
At Svasthya Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Center, we are providing separate male and female panchakarma therapy units to maintaine privacy for patients.
- Classical and keraliya Panchakarma Therapy
We are providing Granthokta - Classical as well as specialised keraliya Panchakarma Therapies at Svasthya Ayurvedic Clinic And Panchakarma Center
- Anti Ageing Package
Svasthya Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchakarma Center is providing time-tested Anti Ageing package
- Derma Care Package for Skin
With the continuous research, we have created Special Derma care package for skin
- Weight Loss Therapies
We have research based Weight Loss Therapies at our center
- Joint Disorders and Spine Cure
We are specialised in various Joint Disorders and Spine Cure
- Male and Female infertility
Pre conceptional bio purification of Male and female.
- PCOD cure Package
this package those girls and women who are suffering from poly cystic ovarian disease means the classical symptoms amenorrhea, mesturation problems like scanty menses, weight gain, acne vulgaris, corrupulent hair on cheeks.
This package includes internal medication for 3 months. The Panchakarma includes Virechan and Basti mainly